Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas and Pictures

Hey y'all!  I know I have been absent from the blogs, but I have been having so much fun down here in FL with my family!! 

I hope everyone had a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!!  I know I did.  I am so grateful that I got to spend it with my mom, brother, stepdad and Gma.  We had a day filled with games, good food and good laughs. 

We had our family Christmas party last Sunday and it was so much fun!!  Everyone brought something to eat and a present for Dirty Santa.  We played games and had a great time! 

We went to ICE at the Gaylord Palms in Orlando earlier this week and Downtown Disney and had a blast!  Here are some pics

 "Winners" of the reindeer antler game!
 Me & My Uncle Rusty ♥
 My step-dad, brother, his girlfriend Kasi and me @ ICE

 Me, my step-dad and my mama @ ICE.  It was 9 degrees!!
 Everything is ice (duh)!  There is over 2 million
pounds throughout the whole display

 My mom said she couldn't see the snowman,
so I bent down.  I look like an elf!

 My step-dad and I @ Downtown Disney
 Me and my mama @ Downtown Disney
 Love my baby brother ♥

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

FL Picture Post

Hello!!  I am having a blast in FL.  I did not bring my scale with me, so I don't know where I am with my weight and it is driving me nuts.  I like to know where I am at. 

Last Friday my dad and I went to EPCOT with Maria (DizneDiva) her husband George and her mom.  We had so much fun!  It was a beautiful day and it wasn't too crowded.  I know I must have walked at least 7 miles, so I am hoping that will equal a loss on the scale.  Here are a few pics from Disney and my time with my family.

 Dad and I

 Love this quote! 
 Dad and I in "Japan"
 Maria and I in "Paris"

Absolutely gorgeous tree at the Grand Floridian Resort

 My cousin Christopher and myself.  He is in the Army and getting married in a couple of weeks in Texas. 
 So, my mom and I wanted roastd marshmallows one night but couldn't go out to start a fire so we made due with the electric stove broiler!!
 My Aunt Laura and I
 Me, my cousin Allison, my Mamaw and Aunt Laura
Me, my cousin David, my cousin Allison and my cousin Phil

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Going Home

Tomorrow morning at the crack of dawn (well, maybe more like 6ish) I am going home to the Sunshine State.  I am very excited to be spending Christmas with my mom, step-dad, brother, Gma and the rest of my FL family.  I am also very excited that on Friday my dad and I are meeting Maria (DizneDiva) at EPCOT for the day!  Disney truly is my favorite place!  I especially love it during Christmas with the decorations.  I have never seen the Candlelight Processional, so I am looking forward to that.  I am also looking forward to walking around the park 55 lbs lighter!  I don't get winded anymore walking around, so it is going to be great!  I am sure I will have plenty of pictures to post! 

Sunday, December 5, 2010

LaLa Land

That is where I think I have been living with my band and life for a while now.  I had a nice long talk with a sweet friend today who kind of opened my eyes to some things I need to change. 

I am so happy that I got this band.  It honestly has been the best decision I have ever made.  It has literally changed my life.  I cannot imagine where I would be right now (weight-wise) if I had not made the decision to have this surgery.  I have not been posting a lot about my weight because honestly I didn't think I am where I should be.  But what I realized today was that everyone has their own journey and I am exactly where I should be.  I need to start being grateful for where I am than where I'm not.  I am down 55 lbs and that is awesome!  I can walk and talk and not get winded anymore.  I can fit into jeans that I have not been able to since high school.  My face is so much thinner and I think I look pretty again.  I have gotten to meet some pretty awesome ladies because of this little band.  So much stuff has changed for the better and I am so thankful for that. 

My sweet friend also made me realize that I have a support system (y'all) and I am not taking advantage of it.  She says that I am being "too southern" and not wanting to ask for help with my problems or wanting to bother people and dang it if she isn't right!  I have been that way my whole life.  I have never wanted to bother people with my problems.  I have always been the people pleaser and never wanting to rock the boat.  I have been walked on plenty of times in my life because of this.  I am going through a lot of stuff right now and it is very hard on me.  Instead of asking for help and support I internalize my feelings and it makes me feel worse.  I guess I just feel like when I am always complaining on my blog I think people don't want to read it or I feel like I am being a Debbie Downer.  It is my nature and I want so bad not to be this way all the time.  I am going to work on it, but it's a slow process so y'all are just going to have to bear with me as I work through this.  

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Did you say you needed a photographer?

Well, if you are in FL and need an awesome photographer, check this guy out

He is a family friend and a very nice guy.  He does awesome work! 

Yes, I am adding photographer pimp to my resume :)

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

How did it happen....

....that I actually LOST weight over Thanksgiving?  I don't know and quite frankly I don't care!!  I am just happy it happened!  I didn't eat a lot over Thanksgiving, but I ate things I shouldn't have.  It was great that my Mamaw and Papaw came up.

Black Friday was an event!  Mamaw decided she needed a new computer and we shopped around and the best deal for her budget was at Walmart.  She had it all planned out and at 6:30 on Thursday night she packed up her chair and camped out!!  She was number one in line!!  When my dad and I got there she knew pretty much all the employees and had them in hysterics!  She is awesome.  

I am kind of acting as a sort of secretary/assistant in my dad's office, which is great.  The downside is having to type up my own divorce papers.  I didn't think it would be as hard as it was just typing up some documents, but seeing it in black and white makes it VERY real and permanent.  It's what I want, but still very upsetting. 

On to some better news....I am going to FL in 9 days!!  I am so excited that I get to spend Christmas with my mom and my FL family!!!  It is going to be so much fun.  I am also going to get to spend some quality time with Maria (DizneDiva) :) 

I think I am in the zone with my band.  I am losing and doing pretty good.  I get stuck sometimes, but I know it is my own fault by eating to fast or not chewing enough.  I am determined to get in more exercise and water.

Friday, November 26, 2010

A Day Late

Sorry it's a day late, but I hope everyone had a wonderful thanksgiving!  Mine was great!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

I am Batwoman

If we are friends on FB you probably know already, but I was assaulted by a bat this evening in the garage. 

My dad and step mom are installing a hardwood floor and since my dad is out of town tonight I was recruited to help my step mom.  She needed a board cut so I went out into the garage to the saw and out of freaking no where this bat comes flying down at me.  At the time I didn't know it was a bat, I just knew it was a gigantic black thing flying at my face!!  Once he landed on the floor (and after I stopped screaming and jumping around) I realized what it was.  A furry, beady eyed bat!  I have seen these things in a zoo but never this up close.  It started moving its wings and moving around on its nubbin things at the end of the wings.  Every time I moved, it starting squeaking in what I can only assume was the attack noise to signal it was about to fly at me again.  I of course did not notice that my dogs came into the garage with me so when Grace brushed up against my leg the screaming and jumping started all over again thinking that I was part of some hunting trap with a heard/gaggle/pod of bats.  I started screaming for my step mom that there was bat down here and to come help me.  I should mention at this point that the bat had strategically placed himself in front of the door to get back into the house and also in front of the garage door opener.  Well my step mom, instead of hearing "bat" she heard "Max" which is my cats name and left me for dead while yelling "Max is up here, don't worry".  Once I was able to establish that I was being held hostage by the furry killer she came down.  She was afraid to open the door but she did manage to open one of the garage doors and toss me my phone.  At this point I called my dad to see if he had any tennis racquets/poison/shotguns around so I could make my escape.  Yea, that was a mistake.  After the 15 minutes of laughing he just told me to make sure it was out of the garage before he got home!  While on the phone, my idiot dog Moose went to investigate.  The bat started shrieking again and I was hunkered down behind the table saw waiting for the second attack.  Moose was my hero tonight however, he was able to agitate the bat enough for it to move on its nubbinwings far enough away from the door so I could slip past and inside.  In my hasty retreat I accidentally left Gracie out to fend off the beast herself!  When I opened up the door to let her in I did not see the bat so I can only assume it flew out.  I don't know though because I haven't been out there since. 

It was a lot bigger in person!!  Notice how he is directly in front of the door?! 

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Life in General

I am really trying to blog more.  Funny how that works when I blog I do better with my weight loss...hmm. 

I am happy to report today that I weighed in with my lowest weight so far.  I am down 52.7 lbs.  I am planning on getting back on track with my exercise this week.  Eating wise I have been doing pretty well.  I tried the 5 day pouch test and it was not that bad, but in the middle of it I experienced some intestinal issues (not band or 5DPT related) so I had to stop it on day 3.  Once everything is back to normal I plan on trying it again. 

I am having lunch tomorrow with a great friend who I have not seen in a really long time.  Isn't that crazy that we live 25 min away from each other but hardly see one another?  It is to me at least.  I am excited to see her.  She really understands me, its like we have known each other forever!

I am excited that my Mamaw and Papaw are coming to B'ham for Thanksgiving.  They are awesome grandparents.  I am really excited that I am going down to FL for Christmas.  I love spending time with my family and friends.  Don't get jealous, but I am also getting to spend some more time with Maria (DizneDiva)! 

Sorry for the rambling, it's 2:22 a.m. and I can't sleep so this is what you get :)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

I'm Here

Hey y'all!  I know I have not been blogging and I don't know why.  I have been reading and keeping up with everyone, I just haven't had the motivation :(  I have been sick the past 2 days but that does not excuse the 9 days before that.  I am feeling much better today, but I am still taking it easy today because I want to feel back to normal for the football game on Saturday.  We are apparently spending the whole day over in T-town and the game does not start until 7:45 so it is going to be a long day and I need to be 100%. 

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I Worked That Poll Like Nobody's Business!!

I had SO much fun today working at the polls today!  The people were awesome and  it was a great turnout!  I am anxious to see the results but I am dog tired.  I was up at 5 this morning, at my polling station by 6 and didn't leave until around 9 pm.   Now I can't fall asleep, go figure!!

I hope everyone got out there and exercised their right to vote :)

Inside my Head

So, I just read a post about talking to yourself inside your head and wow, I do that all the time.  I go inside my head more than I care to admit and beat myself up.  I put myself down about my appearance, and about why I don't think people like me.  Why do I do this?  It's crazy!  So much for not being a Debbie Downer!!  I really hope I am not coming off as some psycho, I assure I am not.  I am just being honest.  I have figured out that this is something I have done for as long as I can remember.  I was an only child for 10 years and was painfully shy.  To this day before I make any decision or have something important to think about I go inside my head and talk it out with myself.  The pros and cons, the repercussions of my decision.  Do other people do that?  I sure as hell hope so!!  I have also figured out that I did this alot in dealing with my parents divorce.  I would try and rationalize things myself instead of talking about it with someone.

In my weight loss journey I am really trying not just to conquer my weight problems but to also work through some things in my head.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Working the Poll

Get your mind out of the gutters you pervs...I am not working "the pole" but the election polls tomorrow!  Get out and vote people!!  Trust me, there are no openings for plus size strippers!!

On the band front I am doing well.  I am down about 54 lbs now.  My zumba starts back tomorrow, but since I will be at the polls until about 8 tomorrow night I won't be able to go  :(  But my butt will be shaking on Thursday night! 

I went to the Domestic Relations courthouse today to find out what it takes to file for divorce.  Even though he walked out on me and this was his doing I am going to file because he never will.  What motivation does he have to file?  NONE!  Did y'all know it was so expensive to file?  I sure as heck didn't!  I joked with my stepmom today that I am going to ask people for $ for Christmas to help me file for divorce or I am going to start a :)   My stepmom posed a question to me tonight that kind of surprised me.  She asked why file for divorce?  What difference would it make in my life?  I was like what?!  Physically she is right, it would make no difference - we don't see each other, we never talk.  All communication is via email.  However mentally & emotionally it is going to make a HUGE difference.  I don't know if that sounds crazy or not, but it's how I feel.  I feel like I'm chained to this failed marriage and I want out and to move on with my life.  I want to make it final so I can change my name back and go forward with Kim's life and not Kim and Joe's life like it was supposed to be.  It makes me sad, don't get me wrong,  but I know it truly is the best thing for both of us.  Everyday is better than the last and that is all I can ask for.  Thank y'all for your words of encouragement, I really appreciate them.

I am going to work on not being such a Debbie Downer all the time.   

Anyway...get out and vote people!!!!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

"Excuse You" Picture Post Part 1

Yesterday was AWESOME!!  I got to spend the day with Kristen, Maria and her husband George.  I'll give you a second to let your jealousy pass :)  We had so much fun!  This part 1 because I only have part of the pictures, part 2 will come when I get the rest!

I met Maria and George at their hotel and we drove to the Vulcan.  He is the big statue dedicated to iron here in Birmingham.  They have a very pretty park to walk around and vistas to see the city.  Then we drove to the Irondale Cafe and met up with Kristen for lunch.  The Irondale Cafe is neat because The Whistlestop Cafe in the movie Fried Green Tomatoes is based on this place, so it has a lot of character and the food is pretty good too!!  We took lots of pictures and laughed and laughed.  George was sweet enough to be our photographer for the day!  He did great a great job!  I took my camera but since Maria and Kristen had theirs I didn't want to make the photographers job any harder by adding a third camera and they said I could steal their pics, so it's all good!! 

Once we left the restaurant we headed to the Galleria mall.  We had a blast walking around, laughing, taking pictures we weren't supposed be taking, trying on nail polish, hats and headbands!!  We had a little makeover in the middle of the mall, so much fun!  Unfortunately we had to say good-bye to Kristen after we were done shopping :(  The good news is that Kristen and I are close enough that we normally get together at least once a week!!  I feel very lucky to have her so close!

Maria, George and myself then took off to Johnny Ray's.  It is a bbq place that has THE BEST lemon ice box pie EVER!  It was a lot later than any of realized so we ended up eating a little for dinner and then the pie!  I don't need to hear the crap about eating pie!!  I am losing weight and I wanted pie dang it!! 

We left Johnny Ray's and I took them back to their hotel so they could leave for the next leg on their journey.  I was sad to see them go :( 

Maria and George are an amazing couple!!  We had good conversation the whole day, they are so sweet!  This is the 3rd time I have seen Maria but I feel like I have known her my whole life! 

Here are the pictures I have so far.  You may have seen them on Kristens blog, but here they are again!

George, Maria, Myself and Kristen

Me, Maria and Kristen

Being silly!  Maria got the giggles so she was nominated for the "speak no evil" :)

Our mini makeover!

Christmas decorations already?!  I am not ready!

Being Nerdy!

We are friends every day except for Saturdays during football season :)  Love you girl!!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

What the....??

I read Jen Lancaster's blog.  She is the author of Such a Pretty Fat and several other wonderful books.  She just blogged about an article in Marie Claire magazine about fat people on tv.  Here are the links to both the article and her blog post.  I will now channel Linda Ritchman from SNL and have you talk amongst yourselves about this article.  Discuss

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Side by Side

I am just now starting to see a difference in my face.  I know my clothes are getting smaller, but I really can't see a change in my body.  Baby got back!  However, I can see a difference in my face...yay!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Feeling Funky

I am in a funk.  I hate that it seems like all I ever do is complain on this blog, but I am just getting my feelings out.  There are things going on right now that I should be hopeful and happy about, but I just can't.  I feel depressed.  I hate feeling this way.  All I want to do is cry. 

Things with Joe are the same and I hate that.  I want to move on but I feel like I can't.  Everyone tells me that I have a choice to feel this way or not feel this way.  It is so much harder that just turning a switch on and off.  Why can't people understand that I don't like feeling like this?  I don't want to cry all the time, I don't want to feel like staying in bed all day.  If I had control of my depression I would choose not to feel this way, but I don't.  I can't control the tears or the pain.

I am dealing with feelings about some friends back home.  I wish I had the same relationship I had with them 10 years ago.  I know people change and that relationships change, I get that.  I guess I just knew where we stood with each other.  If they don't want to be friends anymore, just let me know so I don't keep putting effort into the relationship.

Please know that I am writing this blog to get my feelings out there and to vent.  Sometimes I feel like I have no one to talk too.  I hate to be so cheesy, but sometimes I truly do feel alone in a crowded room.  I say this because I don't want you to think I want sympathy from anyone.  I am just typing what I feel. 

Oh yea, I lost a follower today. Oh well there loss. 

On a positive note, I went on an interview this morning and I think it went really, really well.  Keep your fingers crossed I get this job!!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Sickly & Weekend recap

I think I am getting sick.  This sucks blue whale.  I have figured out that when I fly I usually get sick.  When I flew to and from Chicago this didn't happen, so I thought I might have gotten over it.  I guess I didn't.  Last Friday when I flew home from FL, I had to fly from Orlando to Houston and then to Birmingham.  It doesn't make much sense to me but the flight was cheap and I racked up some miles!  I guess flying for a combined total of like 5 hours and 2 planes will get to my immune system because I am not feeling so hot.  I don't feel "sick" but I don't feel good either.  I think I am in the early stages, ugh. 

Saturday was awesome however!  My dad and I met up with Mary Catherine (Band Me...I'm Ready) and her husband Anthony to head over to T-town for the AL game.  It was homecoming and the game didn't start until 8:10, but we got over there around 2:30 to partake in some festivities!  We went to an A Club bbq and got to watch some football in the indoor practice field, we went to the Bryant Museum and then ate some dinner in the A Club.  The weather was perfect all day and night.  It did get a bit chilly though in the second half!  Mary and her husband are so sweet and I am so glad that they got to come!  I know I had fun with them, I hope they did too!!  I am going to leave you with some pics from Saturday.