Thursday, September 23, 2010

Surprising Kind of Day

Today was interesting to say the least.  My soon to be ex-husband keeps wanting to friend me on facebook and I keep clicking ignore.  Somehow he and my mom became friends on FB and she saw some interesting things on his page.  I am not going to get into them now, but it's a doozy!  He is also refusing to take me off of our phone account and my stupid cell company can't take me off unless he authorizes it.  He is doing this out of spite.  So I opened my own account today.  But that means I had to get a new number which sucks blue whale.  But it is what it is and I am glad it's over with.  It is a relief not being tied to him on that account anymore. 

I know y'all who are not going to BOOBS is sick of hearing about it.  I really wish y'all could go :(  You will be missed.

I don't know where this post is going or what.  I am tired.  I am tired of packing.  Good night


  1. Hi Kim! I just realized I was not following you, even though I've been reading your blog! Can't wait to meet you! Happy packing.

  2. See you soon girl! We'll get to de-stress and have a great time. No boys. No worries.
