Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Blah I say, just Blah

I am feeling very blah today.  I have gained 2 lbs, I am stressed at work and I am feeling blah.  Nothing else to really say right now.  I hope everyone has a good night.


  1. Sorry to hear that.

    Take care and hopefully tomorrow will be better

  2. I feel your pain and am sending feel better wishes for you. I think this tail end of winter stuff is starting to wear on us all! Did you get cruddy weather last week? We have had mostly Gray and rainy but with just a hint of sunlight to make me want spring all the more! It is time for change, and weight loss progress and all thing green I say :)

  3. Sorry to hear you are blah....and hope tomorrow is a better day

  4. Thanks! We have had some pretty crappy weather lately, so I am sure that has a lot to do with it. Today is going to be a better day, I am going to make sure it is

  5. Don't stress over 2 lbs! I got up and down 2 lbs sometimes just from morning to night...Sunny skies are heading your way! (eventually....)
